Chang Yii Tan
CHANG Yii Tan is the Managing Director of PE Research Sdn Bhd, an economic consultancy company. He has 30 years of working experience in studies in search of sustainable development. He has been a consultant for the Economic Planning Unit (EPU), JICA and IDE-JETRO, Danida, and UNDP Malaysia. Studies that he has undertaken include: surveys of PRER in Penang, design of new incentives for foreign and local investment, economics of climate change; design of trust funds for conservation; coastal zone management and sustainable tourism for marine and natural forest areas. Yii Tan has also led the writing of a Handbook on Economic Instruments for Environmental Management for the EPU as well as economic valuation studies on health, biodiversity conservation and ecotourism. He has undertaken the socio-economic studies as part of Environmental Impact Assessments involving major dams (requiring resettlement) for HEP, water supply and also highways and Mass Rapid Transit, oil and gas refinery plants, coastal reclamation projects. Yii Tan also have experience with assessing social impact studies. He has managed several nation-wide surveys covering topics such as new villages, Orang Asli (native people) communities in Peninsular Malaysia, recycling, and teleworking. He is a director of Sustainable Development Initiatives (SUDI) and was the past President of the Malaysian Evaluation Society (2012).