Chen Sau Soon
Chen Sau Soon has been with SIRIM for more than 30 years working as a researcher attached to a number of technology areas covering metalworking, chemical technology and environment and energy. In the field of environmental and energy technology, she has implemented and managed a number of industrial, government and collaborative international R&D projects using biotechnology and physicochemical technology for hazardous waste treatment, wastewater treatment and waste management technologies, environmental and health risk assessment, cleaner technology, life cycle assessment, and renewable energy generation. Her latest projects cover sustainable production and consumption approaches, biogas from anaerobic fermentation of organic wastewater, biological deodourisation and photocatalytic treatment, in particular using solar energy for decontamination and disinfection. She is currently leading two projects, one national and another international, to develop carbon footprint labelling in the country. Her latest approved project will look into developing ecodesign of products and processe to address concerns of climate change, resource scarcity and continual degradation of the environment. She is also a member of the Working Group Experts for the Economic Research Institute of ASEAN (ERIA) Project on Sustainable Utilisation of Biomass for East Asia.